Tissue Solver Vellum SOP
Computes the dynamics simulation for the Tissue pass using Vellum.
See also
Ignore incoming tissue or skin Volume Stiffness and instead apply an infinite stiffness to the volume of tissue or skin primitives as they change shape with the new ARAP Volume Preservation (Optimized) parameter. Ignore incoming tissue or skin Volume Stiffness and instead apply an infinite stiffness to the volume of tissue or skin primitives as they change shape with the new ARAP Volume Preservation (Optimized) parameter.
Specify which rest positions or t-poses your tissue and skin solvers should use when they establish their constraints with the new Rest Position parameters.
Determine whether the attach relationships between your tissue interior surfaces or skin interior surfaces and their respective internal attach geometry are stiff (hard) or springy (soft) with the new Relax Internal Geometry parameters.
Determine how tightly or loosely your rigid points are attached to their bone surfaces and muscle solid geometry with the new Rigid Stiffness and Rigid Damping Ratio parameters.